
In the framework of the project EPTOCOL, two model short-rotation plantations of fast growing trees were established on soils contaminated with heavy metals (particularly Cd, Pb and Zn) in the Příbram region. The model plantations differ in both the level of contamination and the soil characteristics. Heavy metal load of the plantation located nearby the village Lhota by Příbram reaches low to average values (without morphologically expressed phytotoxic responses) and is a consequence of immision deposition generated by metalurgic industry in Příbram. The pollution has been generated prevalently in past being an unfortunate heritage, while current heavy metal deposition is manifold lower. Both phytoextraction and phytostabilization strategies with the use of inoculation with symbiotic microorganisms (mycorhizal fungi and organic ferlilization) are tested at the Lhota plantation. The second plantation located on alluvial sediments of the river Litávka in vicinity of the village Trhové Dušniky, is heavily contaminated by heavy metals. Dominant source of this pollution are particularly ore-rince-out processing units being part of the local metallurgic industry. At the second plantation, phytostabilization strategy is tested based on sorbents lowering heavy metal concentrations available to plants. For establishment of plantations, clones of fast growing tree species, particularly willow (Salix) and poplars (Populus), have been selected for their ability to tolerate high heavy metal concentrations and capability to accumulate them in plant tissues. During the duration of the project, tree growth is monitored on plantations and biomass increase, heavy metal contents in biomass, fractionation of heavy metals in soils and mycorrhizal colonization on roots of planted trees have been followed and analysed. The effect of tested plantation strategies on soil microbial communities is tested and evaluated. The ultimate aim of the project is to optimize technology of energetic tree plantations on similarly contaminated soils.

What is „phytoextraction“:

Phytoextraction is a technology of extraction of soil contaminants via plant functioning and growth. Contaminating substance is transported by roots to plant tissues and after harvest of plant biomass and its subsequent optimum disposal, the contaminated site may be partially remediated. More here .

What is „phytostabilization“:

Phytostabilization is a technology, during which lowered movement and availability of contaminating compound is achieved via plant action. That means that translocation by erosion, leaking to lower layers or underground waters of a contaminant is lowered. More here.